قطب علمی مدیریت روسازی ، حمل و نقل و ایمنی- مقالات قطب
مقالات قطب

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1391/8/7 | 
  • The Evaluation of Cross Anisotropic Properties of Flexible Pavement Materials in Response to Pavement by Using of Finite Element Method. M.Ameri Gaznon, E.Ghasemi Salehabadi, F. Moghadas Nezhad, A. Mansourian
  • Mixed Mode Fracture Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures. M. Ameri, A. Mansourian, S. Pirmohammad, M.R.M. Aliha, M.R. Ayatollahi
  • Investigating Effects of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate and Gilsonite Modifiers upon Performance of Base Bitumen Superpave Tests Methodogy. M.Ameri, A.Mansourian, A.H.Sheikhmotevali
  • Developing a Model for Estimation of Polished Stone Value (PSV) of Road Surface Aggregates Based on Petrographic Parameters. S. Shabani, M. Ahmadinejad, M. Ameri
  • Experimental Investigation of Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures Containing Steel Slag A. Behnood. M. Ameri
  • Introducing a modified gradient vector method for optimization of accident prediction non-linear functions. S. Afandizadeh, M. Ameri, M.H. Mirabi Moghaddam
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